Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020
The Board of Directors hereby announced the invitation for a Meeting to be held on:
Day / Date : Friday, 26 June 2020
Time : 14.30 WIB
Place : Gedung Mayora Group, Jl. Daan Mogot KM 18, Jakarta Barat.
Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders:
- Approval of the Board of Directors’ Annual Report including the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Board of Commissioner’s Supervisory Report for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2019.
- Approval of the use of the 2019 fiscal years’ profit and the granting of power to the Board of Directors to determine its implementation in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations.
- Approval of the appointment of Public Accountant for fiscal year 2020 and the granting of authority to the Board of Commissioners relative to the Appointment of the Public Accountant.
- Approval of the renumeration for members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners.
- Report on the Accountability on the use of Proceeds obtained from Bonds Issue.
Explanation :
Agenda 1 to 4 represent routine agenda to meet the requirements of the Company’s Articles of Association, Law No. 4 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company, and the Regulation of the Financial Services Authority. Agenda No. 5 regarding the Accountability Report on the Use of Proceeds from Bonds Issue represents fulfillment of the the Regulation of Financial Services Authority No. 30 dated 16 December 2015.
- The Company does not send invitation to the Shareholders. This invitation represents a formal call to all the Company’s Shareholders. This invitation can be seen also at the Company’s website, the website of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia and via eASY.KSEI.
- The Meeting is conducted in reference to:
- POJK Number : 15/POJK.04/2020 dated 20 April 2020 regarding the Plan and Conduct of General Meeting of Shareholders of a Public Company.
- POJK Number : 16/POJK.04/2020 dated 20 April 2020 regarding the Plan and Conduct of General Meeting of Shareholders of a Public Company through Electronic Channel.
- Letter of OJK Number : S-124/D.04/2020 dated 24 April 2020 regarding Certain Conditions in the Conduct of General Meeting of Shareholders of a Public Company through Electronic Channel.
- With reference to point 2 above, the Meeting shall be conducted with Limitations on the Physical Presence of the Shareholder or his Authorized Representative. The Shareholder or his Authorized Representative who will be physically present should send an email to to ask if there is still available seat during the meeting. The Shareholder may physically attend if there is still an available seat.
- The Company strongly requests that the Shareholder who would like to participate in the meeting may give his vote through the apps eASY.KSEI, or will give a power through e-proxy provided for by PT. Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia through apps eASY.KSEI at URL The Shareholder may give power to the Bureau of Company Securities Administration, that is PT. Electronic Data Interchange Indonesia (PT. EDII) as the Independent Party appointed by the Company to represent in the meeting for those with power of attorney and the form can be downloaded from the Company’s website or by requesting through email to or
- Question asked by the Shareholder through his Authorized Representative shall be discussed in the meeting and recorded in the minutes of meeting if this is considered relevant by the Chairman of the Meeting.
- The Shareholder who has the right to attend or be represented in the meeting is the Shareholder whose name is recorded in the Stockholers’ Record at the closing time of trading of the Indonesia Stock Exchange on Wednesday, 03 June 2020.
- The materials related to the agenda of the meeting can be downloaded from the Company’s website from the time of this invitation for a meeting until the conduct of the Meeting.
- The Company does not provide for food/beverage, and or souvenir to the Shareholder.
Jakarta, 04 June 2020
The Board of Directors